What is the thickest diesel engine oil?


What is the thickest Diesel Engine Oil?

Thickness of an oil usually depends upon the grades. Oil grades are related with the performance of oil product’s performance which is found at operating temperature. Diesel engines are commonly rated between 15W-40 and 5W-40. The number which comes before W stands for the thickness of the oil when it is on the cold temperature and the number which comes after W reflects the oil’s thickness when it is at normal operating temperature. The thickness of an oil is more commonly referred to as viscosity grade. Viscosity is a measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow. It actually describes the internal friction of a moving fluid.in simpler words oil viscosity refers to how easily oil flows at a particular temperature. The oil that has lower viscosity are thinner in comparison with the oils that has higher viscosity grade. Higher the viscosity thicker the oil. It is believed that thick oils are better at maintaining film strength and oil pressure at high temperatures and loads. This oil is majorly made for the rare cars which are with diesel engines that burns oil excessively. It is a premium high performance mineral. 

Features and Benefits of thickest Diesel Engine oil: 

This oil is majorly made for the rare cars which are with diesel engines that burns oil excessively. It is a premium high-performance mineral. It provides non friction. It even features a double layer of engine wear protection with full zinc. This helps to protect the engine against corrosion, oil oxidation and sludge under all operating conditions. This oil is particularly suited for use under high load conditions such as towing and competition. It is basically designed for use where the ambient temperatures are higher. It is even suitable for the engines that shows signs of excessive oil consumptions. It also helps to provide a better protection for older worn engines that needs a heavier viscosity engine oil so that it can maintain the oil pressure. It is also suitable for passenger cars and heavy-duty commercial vehicles. Along with all of these such oils are also suitable for industrial and agricultural machinery. It helps in lowering the frictional heat which results in improving the engine oil film strength. It also provides an extra layer of anti-wear protection and reduces the engine wear in all driving conditions. The presence of zinc in this oil helps in the engine wear protection. This oil has fast acting formulation which works really swiftly. It prolongs engine life. Reduces high temperature engine deposits. Such thick oils are not recommended for common engines and using a heavier grade than recommended may cause decrease in fuel economy, higher engine loads and eventually may result in shortened engine life. On the other hand, using a lighter grade than recommended may result in excessive mechanical wear and reduced engine life. So, for the best engine performance the recommended oil viscosity should be followed. In some situations, thicker oil can be used to compensate for increased bearing clearances that have developed over the years and a large change in bearing clearances can result in poorer lubrications.

For more details visit: https://bit.ly/3snpo3S

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